
Celebrating Creativity and Festivity: Nicol & Co’s Christmas Card Competition Winner!

The spirit of Christmas is alive and thriving at Nicol & Co as we celebrate the fantastic creativity of our local youngsters in our annual Christmas card competition. Each year, we run the competition
across our three branches in Droitwich, Worcester, and Malvern, where we ask children of the community to design our Christmas card.

This year, we were blown away by the number of beautiful designs from talented children across the region, but one stood out among the rest.

Hollie, an eight-year-old student from Malvern Parish CofE Primary, knocked it out of the park with her sweet angel, festive tree, and church design. It captured Christmas perfectly.

For her fantastic work, Hollie received 30 copies of the winning card for her family’s personal use and a Santa sack filled with goodies worth £50. Additionally, Hollie’s school, Malvern Parish CofE
Primary, will get a £300 donation for new books.

Our Managing Director, Matt Nicol, expressed his delight in witnessing the community’s enthusiasm for the competition. “Once again, it was great to see all the colourful entries that we received, and
we all had wonderful fun watching our Facebook followers decide on the best with their ‘likes’ and ‘shares’.

“I enjoyed watching how Hollie’s design won the day as it was such a carefully thought-out card. “She is a very talented little artist it’s just the kind of colourful design we were hoping for.”
Matt added: “We are delighted that Hollie gets to enjoy a prize for herself and that Malvern Parish School can now invest in some new books for all its children.”

This Festive season, Hollie’s design will grace the doorsteps of our wonderful community as Nicol & Co’s official 2023 Christmas card.