
Decluttering Tips 

Want to cut the clutter from your home but not sure where to start? You’re not alone! A lot of people love the idea of a tidy and clutter-free home but find it hard to achieve. 

We’ve put together 10 clutter-busting tips to help make the whole process seem less daunting and help you create more space in your home. 

It’s perfect timing, too, as the Big Worcestershire Garage Sale is happening on 10th June, where communities and streets are getting together in a collective declutter. To sign up, get in touch with us at [email protected].

But for now, let’s get to those 10 tips…

Tip #1: Start with one room at a time 🛋️ Decluttering a whole house can seem daunting, so make it more manageable by taking on one room at a time. You’ll be able to see your progress and not feel overwhelmed by the task ahead.

Tip #2: Don’t fall into the trap of the “maybe” pile 🤔 When sorting through items, decide to keep, donate or throw away. Putting off the decision means you’ll need to repeat the process later and have more clutter around in the meantime.

Tip #3: Set a goal for what you want to declutter 🎯 Whether it’s a particular room or a date on the calendar, setting a goal can help give you that push to get it done.

Tip #4: Use boxes or bins to organise items 🗃️ Inexpensive and easy to get hold of, storage boxes can help organise the things you want to keep. Plastic trays to hide under beds or canvas boxes to slide onto shelves… there are lots of options.

Tip #5: Break large tasks into smaller ones 🔨 Feeling overwhelmed is the main reason people find decluttering hard. Make it easy on yourself and break tasks up – instead of taking on a whole room, declutter one shelf or cupboard at a time. That way, you’ll feel like you’re making progress.

Tip #6: Consider a minimalist approach 🧘 Minimalism isn’t everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to design, but it relies on clever ways to reduce clutter. Embrace it and you’ll discover how to live with less stuff.

Tip #7: Get rid of duplicates or unused items 🚮 We’ve all had birthday and Christmas presents that sit unused. Instead of letting these clutter up your home, donate them for someone else to enjoy.

Tip #8: Use vertical space for storage 📚 For many of us, floor space is at a premium. That’s why vertical storage works a treat. Try bookcases and shelves to store items and claim back some of your square footage.

Tip #9: Store seasonal items out of sight 🎄 Festivals like Christmas often involve lots of decorations that are only needed once a year. Store them out of sight so they don’t clutter up your home the other 11 months of the year.

Tip #10: This is a tough one, but our final tip is not to keep items out of guilt or obligation. We’re not saying chuck out all your family heirlooms. But think carefully about what means a lot to you and what you could let go 🎈

In addition to these helpful decluttering tips, we have an exciting event coming up that will motivate you even further to clear out your unwanted items and create more space in your home. The Big Worcestershire Garage Sale is just around the corner, taking place on 10th June, and it’s the perfect opportunity for you to join your community in a collective decluttering effort.

Imagine the satisfaction of not only decluttering your own home but also being part of a larger movement to create cleaner and more organized neighbourhoods. It’s a chance to connect with your neighbours, share experiences, and even discover hidden treasures among the items you no longer need.

To participate in the Big Worcestershire Garage Sale, all you need to do is sign up! Simply email us at [email protected] and provide us with your street name. By signing up, you’ll be included in the list of participating streets, and potential buyers will know to visit your area during the event.

The garage sale is a fantastic opportunity to give your unwanted items a new lease on life. Someone else might find value in things you no longer need, and it’s a win-win situation as you clear out space in your home and contribute to sustainable consumption practices.

So, why wait? Take advantage of the decluttering tips we’ve shared and join us for the Big Worcestershire Garage Sale on 10th June. Together, we can make a difference in our community and turn cluttered spaces into organized havens. Email us at [email protected] to sign up your street today!

Remember, a clutter-free home leads to a clutter-free mind, so let’s make a positive change together. We can’t wait to see you at the Big Worcestershire Garage Sale!