Market Updates

Hitting the target

When we’re marketing a house for a client we make a point of accompanying the viewings made by our buyers because it gives them the opportunity to give us honest feedback without hurting anybody’s feelings. It helps us understand what is really important to them and what they are looking for. It also helps identify what it is about the property that might turn them off if it’s not quite for them. All feedback is helpful and gives a vendor the opportunity to rectify the small things that perhaps they hadn’t realised may be off putting.

Adopting this same approach, we like to know what our customers really think of us. Not just the ones who were delighted with the whole process and the outcome, we also need to hear and learn from those who didn’t really have the experience we wanted them to. To gather our feedback, we go to an independent source too called Boomerang CRM. Not only do we get candid feedback, giving us an insight into how we can improve, we also get an opportunity to see how we rank alongside others in the industry.

Boomerang CRM works with 15 agents nationally and provides NPS results in the form of league table for the 300+ agents in their network.

Their 2017 End of Year report made for interesting reading because I know we had a tough period during the year, with a series of staff changes in our Lettings Team which was unsettling, and our performance dipped as a result. We quickly addressed it and have recruited well and the new team are turning things around and the trends are already coming through in the reporting.

Our team leaders and senior negotiators are some of the best in the business. We already know that from the results they achieve but the fact that members of our team occupy 3 places in the top ten is remarkable. Karen Smith, John Powell have consistently performed extremely well ranking 7th and 3rd respectively but Dominque Thompson coming in first out of 300 really is exceptional and deserves huge praise.

Dominique is now our Sales Manager in Worcester where she truly leads from the front and always sets a great example to her colleagues. 

If we all remain dedicated to this kind of remarkable service, we can expect to see Nicol & Co climbing up the table from a creditable 4th place out of 15 to challenging for the silverware next year!



Matt Nicol

Managing Director